New Sanno Hotel Order 5319


This is an additional payment for order 5319 to New Sanno Hotel.

Items in this order:

Rising Sun Pale Ale 48 bottles

Kurofune Porter 48 bottles

Numazu Lager 48 bottles

Teikoku IPA 48 bottles

Suruga Bay Imperial IPA 48 bottles

Temple Garden Yuzu Ale 96 bottles

Shipping fees

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This is an additional payment for order 5319 to New Sanno Hotel.

Items in this order:

Rising Sun Pale Ale 48 bottles

Kurofune Porter 48 bottles

Numazu Lager 48 bottles

Teikoku IPA 48 bottles

Suruga Bay Imperial IPA 48 bottles

Temple Garden Yuzu Ale 96 bottles

Shipping fees