Mix And Match Sets

Mix and Match Sets

It’s a free world. Customize your set of year-round Baird Beer!

Mix and Match Sets

It’s a free world. Customize your set of year-round Baird Beer!
Make Your Own Set

Have a special occasion for which you’d like to curate a custom Baird Beer set? Mix and match to create your personalized Baird Beer experience.

Just click on the bottles and watch your ideal 6-bottle or 12-bottle assortment of year-round Baird Beers take shape.

Items in this category

Any Combination, Delivered to Your Doorstep

Using your computer or smart phone pick and choose your favorite beers to make your own set.

We ship throughout Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa and everywhere in between. Shipping is free for orders of 10,000 Yen or more. Better still, become a Baird Best premium member and enjoy free shipping on all items all the time.

Any Combination, Delivered to Your Doorstep

Using your computer or smart phone pick and choose your favorite beers to make your own set.

We ship throughout Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa and everywhere in between. Shipping is free for orders of 10,000 Yen or more. Better still, become a Baird Best premium member and enjoy free shipping on all items all the time.